Rhonda Parker

Dynamic volunteer

2010 WA Local Hero

A dynamic volunteer and family woman, Rhonda Parker has worked passionately to better her community for the past 28 years and is part of the glue that holds the community together. She is the driving force behind many local organisations including the P& C, Telecentre, Co-op Board, Junior Hockey and the Tennis and Golf Clubs of which she is currently Handicap Manager.  Rhonda is the longstanding Music Director for the Boyup Brook Country Music Club, which hosts Western Australia’s largest Country Music Festival and Awards. The festival runs for five days with over 100 local and international artistes and Rhonda has been integral to its success.

Rhonda was also a keen participant of the Country Women’s Association, and a St John’s Ambulance volunteer, a role that is of particular importance in a rural town like Boyup Brook. Rhonda is always willing to put her hand up to help and her motto is ‘I am only one link in the chain’. The enthusiasm Rhonda shows and her lack of hubris makes her a much-loved identity in her community.